SPECIFIC CONDITIONS RSS BUSINESS PLAY MEMBERSHIP> Maximum 7 reservations per week and 2 active reservations per day possible.> All courts except Adidas 360 Center Court > Padel and Adidas Panorama Court 1 > Padel until 5 p.m. on weekdays can be reserved without an additional charge.> Courts Can be reserved 21 days in advance.
🎾 Registration is only possible in person and must be done by an employee of the joining company.
🎾 The RSS Business Play Membership is under no circumstances transferable to third parties.
🎾 When registering, it is advisable to fill in as much company information as possible.
🎾 After registration, the data is used by RSS to further register the company. The original registration in the person's name will then be transferred to the company name and subsequently confirmed to the person who registered.
🎾 The RSS Business Play Membership is concluded for an indefinite period with a minimum membership duration of twelve months.
🎾 The RSS Business Play Membership always starts after the registration process. If the choice "Immediately" is made when registering as the starting time, the current month will count in full. The start date of this membership will therefore be set to the first of the current month.
🎾 After activating the RSS Business Play Membership, other company employees may also use this membership.
🎾 An RSS Business Play Member does not pay any additional costs for the RSS Membership.
🎾A notice period of one full calendar month applies to the RSS Business Play Membership. Example: A cancellation in February means deregistration as of April 1. The RSS Business Play Membership is still active in March.
🎾 Cancellation must be made by email toledenadministratie@racketsportschiedam.nl. The cancellation will only take effect after confirmation of the message. The burden of proof of cancellation lies with the RSS Business Play Member.
🎾 To collect the membership fee, RacketSportSchiedam uses direct debit per month.
🎾 A new or returning RSS Business Play Member pays a one-off registration fee of €20 (excluding VAT) / administration costs. You can register as an RSS Business Play Member or reactivate an RSS Business Play Membership after cancellation at any time.
🎾 The registration fee/administration costs will be processed in the first payment month of the membership period.
🎾 The aim is for the collection to take place at the beginning of each month.
🎾 RacketSportSchiedam reserves the right to refuse an RSS Business Play Member access to the park if the amounts due have not been paid. In such a case, the costs continue as normal. If RacketSportSchiedam outsources an unpaid claim for payment, all costs resulting from the RSS Business Play Member's default will be borne. The burden of proof of a payment lies with the RSS Business Play Member in all cases.
🎾 A new RSS Business Play Member will receive an RSS-KNLTB Membercard for the company within two weeks of registration, which can be picked up at RacketSportSchiedam after notification.
🎾 An RSS Business Play Member pays €10 (excluding VAT) for the RSS-KNLTB Business Membercard.
🎾 The costs for the RSS-KNLTB Business Membercard will be processed in the first payment month of the membership period.
🎾 The RSS-KNLTB Business Membercard can be topped up at RacketSportSchiedam.
🎾 With the RSS-KNLTB Business Membercard, discounts for purchases at the bar and from the shop are deducted at checkout.
🎾 If the RSS-KNLTB Business Member Card is lost or broken, a new RSS-KNLTB Business Member Card can be requested by sending an email toledenadministratie@racketsportschiedam.nl. Additional costs will be charged for this. This amount will be processed in the next payment month.
🎾 An RSS Business Play Member cannot play competitive tennis and padel for RacketSportSchiedam. To do this, a personal membership is required in combination with competition law via RacketSportSchiedam. The Competition/Tournament right referred to by RacketSportSchiedam can be chosen just like a membership upon registration or can be requested later by sending an e-mail toledenadministratie@racketsportschiedam.nl. For the Competition/Tournament right, a one-off fee of €15 per season (April 1 to 1 April) calculated. This will be debited in April. With this addition to your membership, registration for KNLTB tournaments is also possible. This right is only possible in combination with at least the RSS Membership. As soon as the RSS Membership ends, the Competition/Tournament rights also expire.
🎾 RacketSportSchiedam uses KNLTB.Club for the registration and administration of the RSS Business Play Members.
🎾 An RSS Business Play Member is obliged to change data in a timely manner that is important for correct administration.
🎾 To enter into a court or field rental agreement, an RSS Business Play Member must make a reservation via the KNLTB ClubApp that RacketSportSchiedam uses or behind the login on the RacketSportSchiedam website.
🎾 As an RSS Business Play Member, you are allowed to bring someone without a RacketSportSchiedam membership as a guest outside the times when the membership applies. A proportionate part of the court rent is charged for an guest.
🎾 One of the members who is part of a court or field rental agreement (a reservation) is obliged to confirm the reservation at least 10 minutes prior to play. A reservation for which payment has been made via the ClubApp or RacketSportSchiedam website, must be confirmed with one of the employees behind the bar. A reservation for which no payment has been made via the ClubApp or RacketSportSchiedam website must be made at the Kiosk with the RSS-KNLTB Membercard or with the QR code in the ClubApp. confirmed. If a reservation is not confirmed in time with the RSS-KNLTB Member Card at the Kiosk, the court or field will be returned to the system or the court or field will be available for rental again.
🎾 After cancellation of the RSS Membership, the RSS-KNLTB Membercard can be returned to RacketSportSchiedam after confirmation from RacketSportSchiedam. After return, only the deposit will be refunded within two weeks.
🎾 It is prohibited to give or receive tennis training/lessons on a reserved court/field without explicit permission from the management.
🎾 Courses and fields that are made available for competitions, tournaments or otherwise are only available to the relevant target group. The opportunity to play for non-participants during these activities is limited or not possible without RacketSportSchiedam having to pay compensation for this.
🎾 After completion of the registration, the agreement is concluded and the user/RSS Business Play Member declares to agree without reservation to the applicable general and specific terms and conditions and regulations.
These specific conditions have been established and entered into force on 01-01-2024
Zoomweg 4
3123 EP Schiedam
info@racketsportschiedam.nl 31 10 470 6683
Chamber of Commerce number: 75409968
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