Seniors can play competitions at RSS in both the spring and autumn. On this web page you will find various buttons and links with information about the offer, the playing days, costs and registration options for the current tennis competitions.
There are women's competitions, men's competitions and mixed competitions for different age categories, within which different teams are divided into different classes by the KNLTB according to strength.
A competition team consists of at least 4 players (more is also possible!) and plays five to seven weekly matches. Games can also be played every other week on Friday evenings in the spring. Members can register as a team and can also register as an individual for a competition. The competition leader then checks whether an individual entrant can be placed in a team or whether a new team can be formed. Registration for the KNLTB Tennis spring competition (April/May) takes place in December/January
Registration for the KNLTB Tennis autumn competition (September/October) in June (deadline June 16)
Members of RacketSportSchiedam will be notified of this in a timely manner.
To be able to play KNLTB competitions, you must be eligible to compete. You can always send an email to request competition law. A one-off fee of €15 will be collected for competition rights. For members who already have this right and are starting a new season, this amount will be collected in April. For new competition beneficiaries during the next collection moment. The competition right is valid for an entire season and runs from April 1 to April 1. With this competition right you can also participate in KNLTB tournaments. If you no longer wish to play competitions or tournaments, you can cancel your competition rights by sending an email before January 1 of the new year.
Register below for the current tennis competitions!
Registration form KNLTB Tennis Competitions Seniors
More information about the KNLTB Tennis Competitions? Then click on one of the buttons below or on this link!
Do you have any further questions about playing competitions at RacketSportSchiedam? Send an email to
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