General Terms and Conditions & Park, Track and Field Regulations

General Terms and Conditions & Park, Track and Field Regulations



🎾 Article 1 General

    These general terms and conditions and regulations apply to every agreement, hereinafter referred to as: 'the agreement' between RacketSportSchiedam and the user of RacketSportSchiedam, hereinafter referred to as: 'user' or his legal representative on behalf of the minor user. The general terms and conditions and regulations also apply to persons who are not (yet) users, but who participate in an activity organized by or on behalf of RacketSportSchiedam or a user. If one or more provisions in these general terms and conditions are wholly or partially null and void or annulled at any time, the other provisions in these general terms and conditions and regulations will remain fully applicable. RacketSportSchiedam and the user will then enter into consultation in order to agree on new provisions to replace the void or annulled provisions, whereby the purpose and scope of the original provisions are taken into account as much as possible. If a situation arises between RacketSportSchiedam and the user that is not regulated in these general terms and conditions, this situation must be assessed in the spirit of these general terms and conditions and regulations. If RacketSportSchiedam does not always require strict compliance with these conditions and regulations, this does not mean that the provisions thereof do not apply, or that RacketSportSchiedam would in any way lose the right to demand strict compliance with the provisions of these conditions and regulations in other cases. to desire. If exceptions to these general terms and conditions and regulations are agreed between RacketSportSchiedam and the user, these exceptions are only legally valid if they have been confirmed to the user by RacketSportSchiedam in writing and/or by email.

🎾 Article 2 Agreement

    Contract court Tennis and Padel Indoor (winter, summer and year-round): A request for a court or field reservation for (part of) a season (the user then becomes a Contractor Tennis or Padel Indoor) must be made using the registration form on the website. website of RacketSportSchiedam or by email to and/or More information about a Contract Court Tennis and Padel Indoor can be found on the RacketSportSchiedam website and consult the Specific Terms and Conditions for more explicit conditions. Monthly memberships: An application for a monthly membership must be made using the registration form on the RacketSportSchiedam website. More information about the different monthly memberships can be found on the RacketSportSchiedam website and consult the Specific Terms and Conditions for more explicit terms and conditions. The RSS Membership: The RSS Membership is the basic monthly membership of all monthly memberships at RacketSportSchiedam. An application for RSS Membership must be made using the registration form on the RacketSportSchiedam website. More information about the RSS Membership can be found on the RacketSportSchiedam website and consult the Specific Terms and Conditions RSS Membership for more explicit conditions. Individual court or field rental with monthly membership: Within a monthly membership, courts and fields must be reserved without the intervention of RacketSportSchiedam via the KNLTB ClubApp or behind the login on the RacketSportSchiedam website. To be able to use this, login details are required, which will be sent via a welcome email after registration. After a court or field reservation, a confirmation email will always be sent with information for all participating players. Individual court or field rental without monthly membership: Outside of a monthly membership, courts and fields must be booked without the intervention of RacketSportSchiedam via the Meet & Play website or app. After a track or field booking, a confirmation email will always be sent with information for the main booker.

🎾 Article 3 Payment

    RacketSportSchiedam works with invoices for the Contract Courts Tennis or Padel Indoor. RacketSportSchiedam works with direct debit for Monthly Memberships. When reserving or booking a paid court or field, RacketSportSchiedam works with an online reservation system where payment must be made during the booking process prior to playing, or PAY FOR PLAY. RacketSportSchiedam reserves the right to change or index rates. Adjustments will be mentioned on the RacketSportSchiedam website. No rights can be derived from promotions or offers before and/or afterwards.

🎾 Article 4 Cancellation and Rescheduling

    Single track or field rental with monthly membership: Canceling a reservation for which a payment has been made is possible up to 24 hours prior to the start time. Cancellation of such a reservation within 24 hours before the start time is not possible! Canceling a reservation for which no payment has been made is possible up to 24 hours prior to the start time. A cancellation of such a reservation within 24 hours before the start time will continue to count as an active reservation and may affect a subsequent reservation!Exception! Canceling a reservation with only RSS Members with a Tennis Outdoor Membership on an outdoor tennis court for which no payment has been made is possible up to 6 hours prior to the start time. A cancellation of such a reservation within 6 hours prior to the start time will continue to count as an active reservation and may affect a subsequent reservation! Individual track or field rental without monthly membership: Cancellation is not possible! However, moving a booking in the event of serious force majeure is possible up to 48 hours before the start time of the booking. A relocation must be arranged with one of our employees by email to In the event of a cancellation within 48 hours before the start time, arranging other players for the booked court is an option.

🎾 Article 5 Accommodation rules of use and conduct

    The user, parent/guardian or other supervisor of the user must adhere to the rules of use and conduct applicable to the accommodation and must also strictly follow all instructions given by RacketSportSchiedam and/or the employees of RacketSportSchiedam. Repeated failure to adhere to or follow what is described in the first paragraph of this article may lead to immediate termination of the agreement with the user, without the user being able to claim a refund of monies already paid. It is prohibited to give or receive tennis training/lessons on a reserved court/field without explicit permission from the management. The user of RacketSportSchiedam is expected to realize that practicing sports is not without risk. Participation in this within RacketSportSchiedam is at the user's own risk. The user must ensure that he is physically and mentally able to practice the racket sport in question. If in doubt, the user should seek medical advice. The user, parents/guardians, other supervisors of the user and spectators must immediately report any damage to the park to an employee of RacketSportSchiedam. The user, parents/guardians, other supervisors of the user and spectators must behave correctly and sportily on and around the track. To prevent injuries, pollution and wear of the surface, entering or playing on the courts and fields is only permitted with specific footwear. We recommend indoor padel (coastal grass) shoes with omni or herringbone soles, indoor tennis (carpet) shoes with omni or smooth soles and outdoor tennis (smash court) shoes with omni or herringbone soles. The user must be dressed in normal clothing appropriate for the sport. It is permitted to consume food and drinks in the padel hall. Glassware, etc. must be returned to the bar. You are allowed to bring a lockable water bottle or bottle into the tennis hall. However, it is not permitted to bring food and other drinks into the tennis hall. The courts and fields must be entered and left correctly and on time. The outdoor tennis courts must be towed after use. Playing with balls outside the courts is undesirable, with the exception of the outdoor practice cage and the indoor Playce Padel. Climbing fences is prohibited. The user, parents/guardians, other supervisors of the user and spectators must clean up all small waste and deposit it in the waste bins provided. To prevent contamination of the tennis courts, drinking on the courts or fields is only permitted from water bottles and/or sealable plastic bottles. The user, parents/guardians, other supervisors of the user and spectators must give the groundsmen every opportunity to maintain of the jobs when he deems it necessary. The user, parents/guardians, other supervisors of the user and spectators are obliged to park bicycles and cars in the indicated places. Dogs brought with you are welcome outside provided they are kept on a leash and do not cause any nuisance. Smoking is not permitted and is prohibited in all indoor areas.

🎾 Article 6 Liability and damage to property

    The user must arrange for adequate insurance that covers possible damage that may arise due to or as a result of the use of RacketSportSchiedam, such as health insurance with additional coverage and liability insurance for damage caused by the user to a third party. RacketSportSchiedam is not liable for any damage that the user and/or a third party may suffer due to or as a result of the use of RacketSportSchiedam and/or participation in activities. This exemption from liability applies not only to minor damages, but expressly also to serious types of damage such as all possible damage resulting from serious injury or death. If, despite the provisions of the first paragraph of this article, RacketSportSchiedam's liability for damage to a user or a third party is legally assumed, RacketSportSchiedam's obligation to compensate that damage will be limited to a maximum of the amount charged by RacketSportSchiedam's insurer in this regard. pays out for that damage. As already mentioned in paragraph 1, the user must be adequately insured against the risk of material and immaterial damage that he or a surviving relative may suffer as a result of his death, injury or illness caused by his use of RacketSportSchiedam. The user declares that he/she is aware of the fact that participation requires good health in both a psychological and physical sense and declares that he/she meets this requirement and that he/she has sufficiently prepared himself/herself through training and otherwise for the activity(s) in which he or she participates. she participates. The user indemnifies RacketSportSchiedam against any liability for damage that third parties may suffer as a result of an act or omission attributable to the user with regard to the use of RacketSportSchiedam and/or the RacketSportSchiedam activities in which they participate. Damage to RacketSportSchiedam or to RacketSportSchiedam's assets caused by a user or partly caused by a user will be recovered in whole or in part by RacketSportSchiedam from that user, unless RacketSportSchiedam waives this. If used by several people at the same time, they are jointly and severally liable. RacketSportSchiedam bears no responsibility for the property of users and/or third parties present at the park. RacketSportSchiedam is also not liable for loss, theft or damage to the user's property, except in the event that this damage is the direct result of intent or gross negligence attributable to RacketSportSchiedam.

🎾 Article 7 Privacy Statement

    RacketSportSchiedam collects data about the user for administrative purposes, including personal data, which is stored in the central administration of RacketSportSchiedam. RacketSportSchiedam does not provide information or personal data to third parties, with the exception of a number of parties mentioned in the RacketSportSchiedam Privacy Statement. More information can be found in the RacketSportSchiedam Privacy Statement.

🎾 Article 8 Force majeure

    RacketSportSchiedam is not obliged to fulfill any obligation towards the user if it is prevented from doing so as a result of a circumstance that is not attributable to its fault, and is not its responsibility under the law, a legal act or generally accepted views. In these general terms and conditions, force majeure is defined as, in addition to what is understood in law and case law, all external causes, foreseen or unforeseen, over which RacketSportSchiedam has no influence, but as a result of which RacketSportSchiedam is unable to fulfill its obligations. come. RacketSportSchiedam also has the right to invoke force majeure if the circumstance that prevents (further) fulfillment of the agreement occurs after RacketSportSchiedam should have fulfilled its obligation.

🎾 Article 9 Applicable law and disputes

    All legal relationships to which RacketSportSchiedam is a party are exclusively governed by Dutch law. Disputes arising from this agreement will be settled by the competent Dutch court. The parties will first appeal to the court after they have consulted in order to settle a dispute by mutual agreement.

🎾 Article 10 Location and amendment of the general (and specific) conditions and regulations

    These terms and conditions and regulations are published on the RacketSportSchiedam website and will be sent free of charge upon request. If a track or field is rented, these general terms and conditions and regulations must be accepted prior to concluding the agreement. These then form an integral part of the agreement. The latest version of the general terms and conditions and regulations always apply, as published on the RacketSportSchiedam website. After payment, the agreement is concluded and the user declares to agree without reservation to the applicable general (and possibly specific) conditions and regulations. RacketSportSchiedam is entitled to change the general (and specific) conditions and regulations. RacketSportSchiedam will, where appropriate, make the new general (and specific) conditions and regulations available in a timely manner.

These general terms and conditions and regulations have been established and entered into force on 01-01-2021

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